Welcome! Select your membership category after reviewing the choices below. Then you’ll be directed to account setup/login, selection of your teaching levels and areas, and payment.

Current music teacher in any U.S. state except Alabama, in a U.S. Territory, or in another country – SELECT “ACTIVE”


Open to individuals engaged in music teaching or other music-related educational work. Each active member has the right to vote and hold office and receives a subscription to Music Educators Journal and Teaching Music. Active members in the U.S. hold concurrent membership in their respective federated state association of NAfME. Membership term is one year from the initial join date.

Current music teacher in Alabama – SELECT “ACTIVE ALABAMA”


Open to individuals engaged in music teaching or other music-related educational work. Each active member has the right to vote and hold office and receives a subscription to Music Educators Journal and Teaching Music. Active members in Alabama hold concurrent membership in the Alabama federated state association. Memberships expire every year on June 30.

College student studying to become a music teacher – SELECT “COLLEGIATE”


Open to individuals at colleges or universities pursuing a career in music education. Collegiate members receive a subscription to Music Educators Journal and Teaching Music and hold concurrent membership in their respective federated state association of NAfME. Collegiate memberships expire each year on June 30.

Retired music teacher in any U.S. state except Alabama, in a U.S. Territory, or in another country – SELECT “RETIRED”


Open to individuals retired from music teaching. Retired members have the right to vote and hold office and receive a subscription to Music Educators Journal and Teaching Music. Retired members in the U.S. hold concurrent membership in their respective federated state association of NAfME. Membership term is one year from the initial join date. 

Retired music teacher in Alabama – SELECT “RETIRED ALABAMA”


Open to individuals retired from music teaching in Alabama. Retired members have the right to vote and hold office and receive a subscription to Music Educators Journal and Teaching Music. Retired members in Alabama hold concurrent membership in the Alabama federated state association of NAfME. Memberships expire every year on June 30.

Not sure where you fit?

We have a place for you!

Send an inquiry to memberservices@nafme.org, or call 800-336-3768.



Associate Membership is open to those interested in the advancement of music education, but are otherwise “not primarily engaged” in music teaching. 

Examples of those who would be considered eligible for this category include professional musicians, drill instructors, private teachers, music parents, administrators, employees of music industry firms, parents of music students, music booster volunteers, community advocates and non-music educators who believe in the importance of quality sequential music education for students.

Does not include a state music education association membership.